About WMC

This webpage can be used to compute symbolic and numeric moments of the Wishart distributions according to the formulas given by Letac G, Massam H (2004). All Invariant Moments of the Wishart Distribution. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 31(2), 295–318.

Wishart Moments Calculator

This is a SAGE based moment calculator for Wishart distributed random variables.

Among others, we compute the expectation of $W^k$ for $k\in \mathbb{N} $ and $W^{-k}$ for $n > 2k + (r-1)$, for $W \sim \mathrm{Wishart} (n, \Sigma)$, with parameters $n \in \mathbb{N}$ and $\Sigma $ (positive definite matrix of dimension $r$).

More specifically, following Letac G, Massam H (2004), we compute the moments of \(\frac{1}{k }L_{(i)} (W)\), where, for every portrait \( (i)\in I_k = \{ (i_1,\ldots,i_k)\in\mathbb{N}^k \,:\, \sum_{j=1}^k i_j = k \} , \) \[ L_{(i)} (W) = r_{(i)} (W) \sum_{j=1}^k j i_j \frac{W^j}{\hbox{tr}\,(W^j)} \] with $$r_{(i)}(W) = \prod_{j=1}^k \left(\hbox{tr} (W^j) \right)^{i_j}.$$ Here $\hbox{tr}(A)$ indicates the trace of a square matrix.

We also compute the expectation of \( \frac{1}{k}L_{(i)} (W^{-1}) \) for every portrait $(i) \in I_k$ for $n > 2k + (p-1)$.

The index k should be entered as a parameter for the computation; then press return. The slider is used to specify the different invariant moments. The leftmost position of the slider is $(i) = (k)$, which results in the moments $ \mathbb{E}(W^{\pm k}) $.

Other capabilities:

  • The \( \rm\LaTeX \) commands for every expression can be obtained by right-clicking the formula and then selecting Show math as > TeX commands
  • Computations can also be made for a specific matrix.


  • Liliana Forzani

    Facultad de Ingeniería Química
    Universidad Nacional del Litoral
    Research Gate Profile

  • Carlos Antunes Percíncula

    Homological algebra
    Instituto de Investigaciones Matemáticas Luis A. Santaló (IMAS)
    Personal website

  • Ricardo Toledano

    Number theory and coding theory
    Facultad de Ingeniería Química
    Universidad Nacional del Litoral
    Research Gate Profile


We would like to thank Magister Laura Badela who greatly improved the presentation of this website.

